Exercise is key for optimal health, and yet we continue to put it as a low priority.

Our excuses keep piling up. We need to work longer hours, we should spend more time with our families and we owe it to our friends to go out more and be present on social media. Before we know it, we find ourselves standing in front of a mountain of what we “should be” doing. Any concept of what’s really good for us has disappeared, and eventually, we find ourselves feeling tired, unhappy and lost.

Whenever I find myself in this position, I stop what I’m doing, get up and move. Before I know it, I’m refocused, reenergized and ready to take on the world. Exercise is my go-to “funk buster,” an important part of my day that has become a vital part to my being productive. If it works for me, I’m confident it will work for you too!

Here are 3 reasons why exercise is so important.
    1. YOU are important. That’s right, you matter to me. You’re an important part of this whole life thing, and you have a purpose that only you can fulfill. You deserve to feel good, to be happy, to dance with energy and sing with joy. Once you realize this truth – and I mean really accept and believe that this IS the truth – suddenly you will want to do everything you can to take good care of the precious gift that is YOU. Putting exercise as a top priority in your day is a great place to start. A while back I posted this Facebook Live video, where I talk about why we need to realize our importance. We all need to be reminded of this from time to time!
    1. Your body will work better. What I’m about to say may sound ludicrous at first, but hear me out. Your body CRAVES exercise, because it knows that without it, your muscles will weaken, your heart and lungs won’t function efficiently, and your joints will stiffen and be easily injured. You think smoking is your only health risk? Think again! Consistent exercise also helps prevent sickness and diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. It improves your stamina by training your body to become more efficient and use less energy for the same amount of work. The more you exercise, the more natural energy you will have. Exercise is also vital for weight loss, because it burns calories. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose!
    1. You will be happier. Get ready, I’m about to geek out on you. The moment you start exercising, your brain will recognize your movement as a stressful moment. Your heart pressure will begin to increase, which will send a signal to your brain that you are either fighting something or fleeing from it. To protect yourself and your brain from stress, your body will release a protein called BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). BDNF adds a protective and reparative quality to your memory neurons, and also acts as a “reset” switch. This is why we often feel so alert yet at ease after we exercise. We will also feel a sense of accomplishment, which typically leads to an overall sense of happiness.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get my exercise groove on! What about you? What’s your favorite way to exercise? How have you noticed your overall health improving?

Make exercise something you LOVE to do, not something you punish yourself with. Click below to get instant access to my *free* ebook now.