Today I wanted to talk about something that I know many of you can relate to (myself included) especially at this time of year when there are so many sweets & treats around.

That means plenty of possible little handfuls to pound back without even really noticing – and this can lead to our total demise when it comes to sticking to any kind of health and weight loss goals.

Click below to see how being lazy in the kitchen is causing you to eat more than half a loaf of bread without even noticing it!

Pretty amazing right? Small changes leads to big results over time.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

If you’ve been stuck or frustrated wondering why you’re not getting the results you want – did this shed some light on things for you? Which tip is most useful for you and what one do you want to commit to start changing today?

Thanks again and have an amazing weekend

 fitness tips, weight loss