Let’s say you are going to fly to London…

You are sooo ready for this trip. You know what to pack. A good movie to watch. Favorite snacks. A cozy blanket.  

You know how long the flight is going to take and you are ready for it. It’s part of how you get to see Big Ben.

Now imagine someone telling you, “You know what? Forget the plane! That takes wayyy too long. You should just catapult your way over – you’ll get there in like a minute.”

You would laugh out loud! You would think that person was nuts.

Immediately, you’d begin listing the ways this was not a good idea (and not even a well crafted joke.)

When it comes to weight loss, why do we always think we can catapult our way to a slimmer us?

Why do we always think we can skip the plane ride?

The weight loss world has programmed us to feel this way for starters. They use things like – lose 10lbs in a minute, lose it fast, quick, in a week, by Monday!

(You’ve heard it all, I’m sure.)

But what I want you to know is that real change that lasts takes time.  

The dramatic, catapulting way inevitably brings the weight back – and there’s usually more with it. This is why quick fixes and fad diets are so harmful (much like catapulting to London would be).

You feel like a failure, so you go back to fast food junk eating ways and your confidence is slowly taken from you. You think you can’t do it. That you are the unlucky one when they don’t give you the long term results that you promised or that you wanted.

But just like understanding that the plane ride is part of your trip to London, you have to understand that every pound is a milestone. Every 5 pounds is a miracle. And if you stick to these small changes, your life will be different in 6 months.  

Good things take time. Being consistent and committed to a health journey – feeling good in a bathing suit, losing weight (20 + pounds or more) will never – and should never – happen suddenly. The plane ride is part of the journey to your goal. Period.

That’s why I’m excited to help you emotionally commit to that journey in 4 steps…

1. Figure out your top 3 health goals.

Write them down so you can refer back for times when you feel like throwing in the towel or unsure why you started in the first place.

2. If weight loss is one, stand on a scale – and know how much you want to lose.

If 1-2 pounds a week is average and healthy – how long will your journey take you? Write that down, too.

3. Tackle the low hanging fruit first.

You already know 2 or 3 things that would help you immediately. Start there. I can guarantee if you are honest, you know there are 2 things you can stop doing – whether it’s cutting out pop, no more late night snacking, portioning out treats instead of sitting down with the whole bag, or deciding to eat fast food once a week as opposed to 3 or 4 times a week.

4. Track your progress. Keep a journal.

Write down how the changes are, not only, changing your body, but how they are making you feel.

Try this out this week and let me know how it goes. Simply leave a comment below this post with your questions, challenges, or revelations and I will get back to you.

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