Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Sneaky – aka fear who wants you to feel like:

  • I’m too old or too slow.
  •  I’m too overweight.
  • That’s for other people – not me.

Fear creeps in and paralyzes you from committing – to yourself. Your commitments to other people – kids, spouse, home, and work – still manage to happen, but we are left off the list. And we want to lose weight, or run that first 5K, but fear wants us to stay stuck. It may even mask itself as procrastination, confusion, and indecision. Don’t let him fool you.

Because I’m here to tell you that you can do absolutely anything you want to do once you tell Mr. Sneaky that there is no room for him on your list. Period.

So what can you do – right now – to make a commitment to yourself?

  1. Set a goal – What is going to get you out of bed? Is it walking for 30 minutes every morning? Going to the gym for 30 days in a row? Pick something you’ve never done before. Create a challenge that inspires you.
  2. Permission to let it go – laundry, dishes, kids to drive around, floors to clean – it’s always going to be there and that’s OK. Give your attention to them (of course) but allow yourself time for you. Don’t let Mr. Sneaky disguise himself as your to-do list.
  3. Do the work. Show up. Sweat it out. Day after day – don’t allow yourself to quit before it gets good. It will get good. I promise.

And remember – life isn’t like in the magazines. It’s messy, it’s real. I know because I have two kids, a business to run, a life to live, and it is never as pristine as it looks and change is never as fast as they want you to believe.

That’s why I am so excited to announce the spring issue of ENERGY To Thrive Magazine – a different kind of magazine. A fresh perspective created for super successful women struggling to put themselves on their own priority list. No perfect lives, just real advice and real stories for women just like me – just like you.

The best part is – it’s free! Stay tuned next week for more info on how to cozy up with your copy. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Never let fear stop you. Tell Mr. Sneaky you’re too busy living your rockstar life.