It’s that chocolate time of year again…Halloween is here!

This typically means there’ll be a mountain of chocolate and sugar in your house (if there isn’t already). Are you ready for it? Of course you are!

I want to talk to you about a super important topic: what do you do with your kids Halloween candy – do you let them keep it all and eat as much as they want whenever they want? Do you create “rules” around it?

In years past I found myself getting super tired of constantly “negotiating” about candy – it lead to whining, arguing and me saying “NO” a lot and I hated how much sugar and crap I was letting my kids put in their little bodies. There had to be a better way.

Here’s what we do in my household now – my kids go out trick or treating and have a ton of fun on Halloween night. We come home and pour everything onto the carpet and the sorting begins.

They now know that they get to keep a small bowl of their “favorites” and I buy back all of the other candy from them in the form of movie tickets, gift cards to a toy store, gift card to a clothing store, etc (they get to decide) – AND I make it worth their while.

We then take the rest of the candy and get rid of it the next day!!! No negotiating. No arguing. No sugar rushes and wired behavior.

Just a whole lot more fun!!

You’re a strong mom, you can do it! And just think, you can use this opportunity to model to your kids the value of making healthy choices.

By the way, do you know how many little chocolate bars = 2 pieces of bread? Would you ever sit down and eat an entire loaf of bread in one sitting? Wondering what I’m talking about? You’ve got to check out my most recent Facebook Live video below to really understand why staying away from that junk is truly in your best interest!!

Hey girlfriends, knowledge is power! Please like and share with your other girlfriends, so they can better choices too!

Then download my *free* 10-Step Sugar Detox Guide. I lay out 10 simple steps you can start doing in your life tomorrow, so that within 24 hrs you can feel better and in more control of your sugar cravings – promise.

Click the banner below to get instant access to the guide now.
