I love to take my workouts outside when the sun is shining. And to stay motivated, I often listen to podcasts. I can literally listen to them anywhere – on a run, after dinner walk, in my car running errands, or while I’m meal prepping (cuttin’ those veggies!) on a Sunday morning.

But what I’ve noticed is a lot of “health” centered podcasts feel archaic. The convo stays superficial and doesn’t ever dive into what’s really holding us back from permanent weight loss. It doesn’t talk about the honest work it takes to get there and the serious support needed to make it all happen.

That’s why I’m so excited to let you know I’m launching my very own podcast centered all around what it truly takes to be healthy from the inside out. My hope is that you’ll join this new conversation with me — it’s time to put a stop to the multi-billion dollar diet industry, and the only way I know how is to share the bare-bones, sometimes tough lovin’ truth about this industry and what you really need to focus on instead.

The podcast is called Energy To Thrive.

Together we’re going to get real about being healthy, feeling confident and being able to rock whatever outfit you choose. You can listen in here.

The most important thing I want you to know is that this show is about you. I’m committed to helping you leave dieting in the dust and embrace a great relationship with food so you can learn (once and for all!) that healthy weight loss is based on body science – not some quick n’ dirty fad that leaves you feeling even worse.

When you understand how your body works, it’s actually very doable (and it’s kinda fun, too).

So I’m definitely looking for your help with what topics you want me to dive into and what special guests are you dying to learn from? Let me know in the comments below.

I am thrilled to be able to offer you an honest, down-to-earth, real talk approach to feeling in control of your body – once and for all.