Simply put, it’s like this – a feeling is simply an emotion we experience.

Often, when it comes to weight loss, we talk a lot about what we want, but it can’t stop there. Having a goal means you’re probably going to create a plan you hope to achieve. Being committed is reflected by the actions you are consistently taking, no matter the external circumstances.

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Think about it – how many times have you said something like:

  • “I know I should work out, but I just don’t feel  like it right now. I’m too tired.”
  • “I know I should order something healthy, but I just really feel like fries.”
  • “I should run, but I don’t feel like it. It’s just too cold out.”

Being truly committed to something means you do what you need to do regardless of how you feel about it.

This is hard. Why? Because you have to finally stop making excuses.

That’s right. Excuses. The ones that you create in your head that seem so justifiable, rational, and believable. Smart, high achieving women can be queen excuse-makers. How do I know? Because I was one. I made excuses for everything:

  • my lack of success in my career (before I started my business).
  • my unhappy relationship.
  • my extra 30+ lbs and poor fitness.

You name it – I had a reason it wasn’t happening. I could win the blame game. And it was all bullshit. I was simply making excuses because that allowed me to pretend I was dealing with stuff. And so, nothing changed. I stayed frustrated and stuck. I wanted things to be different (*feeling*) but I see now that I had poor goals and certainly very few (if any) committed actions. I just simply talked a lot and didn’t follow through.

Can you relate?

My ultimate lesson was realizing that how I chose to think, feel, and show up in my life was entirely up to me. I decided what I wanted to be truly committed to (you can really only be committed to a few things at a time, not a gazillion – being overcommitted is another way to “pretend” you’re taking action). And then I didn’t let anything get in the way of doing what needed to be done.

All of this comes full circle with weight loss, by the way. I talk to dozens of women each week who are indulging their own excuses. I gently (but firmly) point that out…silence from them…then usually an emotional, “Yes, you’re right…”

So how can you get started? Remember this: responsibility and accountability are key qualities necessary when beginning to create real and lasting change in your life.

So if you say you want it, what are you doing to achieve it?

And you never have to go at it alone. Start right here today – leave a comment below and let me know one thing you can start doing – right now. I promise all it takes is that first step.

Click below to get my *free* ebook and learn five things you can start doing today to outsmart your fat cells and start losing weight.