I have to share a story with you from one of my clients. She was at the grocery store and could overhear two women talking in the produce aisle. Both were sharing how they were looking to lose weight and one seemed to be giving a lot of advice to her friend. This is the discussion as they were perusing the veggie section and spying some of the pre-cut & pre-chopped veggies.

Friend: “Oh, I really enjoy coleslaw!”

Other woman: “That’s fantastic, but you’ll have to pick out the shredded carrot – they’re too high on the glycemic index and you shouldn’t eat them.”

My client to herself (inside voice but hardly able to restrain herself) “OMG! – Ridiculous – eating some shredded carrot in coleslaw is not the issue!!”

I loved hearing her tell me this story because there was a time when she would have believed what that woman said and cut carrots out of her diet – instead, she now knows how many myths are out there in the weight loss world and is able to stay totally out of dieting mentality, is losing weight slowly and steadily, has more energy than ever and is feeling awesome in her jeans again. Yessssss!!!!!!

This week’s video is all about why dieting and suffering through massive restriction, deprivation, calorie cutting, and food group omission is never the answer – you’ll learn what is as well as my best tips to get those pounds off for good.

So, what did you think? What stood out the most for you? Which tip are you going to implement? Simply drop down into the comments below and let me know.

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