If you know me, you know I love to run BUT I didn’t always feel that way. Even now if I take a few weeks off here and there I always find those first few runs kinda awkward. My body feels clumsy and I can feel a little sore after but I also knows those things go away quickly and nothing beats feeling the sun on my face and being out in nature after a long, cold winter.

Here’s a quick video on how to eeeaassse back into running and enjoy the process (even if you’ve never loved it before).

Here are a few other key tips:

1) Make sure you get a good pair of running shoes – these are worth every penny
2) Always drink lots of water after you run
3) Run for the joy of it – (NOT for weight loss).

Make exercise something you LOVE to do, not something you punish yourself with. Click below to get instant access to my *free* ebook now.