Two things that make me incredibly happy are being in front of a room as a fitness instructor and taking people through an incredible workout experience (ie. Soul HIIT), and the other is being in a class as a participant and getting to totally immerse myself in an amazing fitness experience.

Every month I’m going to be sharing new and exciting exercise classes around the city to share all of the different ways you can move your body and perhaps find a new fitness passion. Gone are the days where running and the gym were your only choices. It’s super exciting as boutique studios are popping up everywhere – and as you know I love exercise. It’s one of the single best things we can do to improve both our mental and physical health, but you gotta find something you love to do.

This week I’m beyond thrilled to talk about indoor cycling classes or spinning and to take you behind the scenes to Calgary’s newest studio, YYC Cycle.

What fitness trends have you been curious about? Is there any class or type of fitness experience you’d like to see me cover? This week I challenge you to try something new – take a new class, check out a new studio, treat yourself to a different fitness experience than you’d normally do.  AND, I’d love to hear about it. Drop down into the comments box below to share what you’re going to try!!

Make exercise something you LOVE to do, not something you punish yourself with. Click below to get instant access to my *free* ebook now.