I often get told “Jen, I just don’t eat that much” and while that may be true one of the areas that’s often neglected when people think about their day and what they’ve consumed are the liquid calories – pop, juice, wine…all that sort of thing.

The thing about liquid calories is we can drink them quickly, get the impact of the calories on our waistline but absolutely zero nutritional value as it’s just sugar going into our bodies. And while this is concerning for adults is of huge concern for children. I was just in a cafe and saw a 3 yr old guzzling an Arizona Iced Tea…not good.

Check out the video below to learn more about the ridiculous amount of sugar in some common (and not so common) drinks.


Craaazzzzyyy, right?! We are juice + pop free in this household and no one (kids included) misses it. My challenge to you (and your family) for the week is to up your water intake – get a pitcher fill it with water, add lemon/lime slices and leave it on the counter. You’ll feel a difference (maybe see one too!).

You can also download my *free* 10-Step Sugar Detox Guide. I lay out 10 simple steps you can start doing in your life tomorrow, so that within 24 hrs you can feel better and in more  control of your sugar cravings – promise.

Click the banner below to get instant access to the guide now.
