Food cures hunger – it’s fuel for our bodies, not relief for our pain. And yet, how often do you find yourself opening your cupboards – all of them – in the hopes of a quick snack and 5 minutes later you are back looking for something else?

Sound familiar? I know it has been super familiar for me.

Often we try to use food to soothe something emotional  – boredom, sadness, anger, loneliness, you name it.

But here’s the bottom line: food can never ever alleviate an emotion.

Often we use food to soothe our emotions - boredom, sadness, anger, loneliness. Keep reading to learn why food is not the cure for our emotions!

Now don’t get me wrong, I totally understand how easy it is to fall into this pattern. We can often be an isolating species, meaning we don’t alway feel comfortable sharing our pain, worry, heartache, etc. with those around us, so we increase isolation, stop sharing, and keep a lot of stuff inside. And so we turn to food. Afterwards, we feel more shameful and so the cycle is never ending.

We want food to bring some joy or belief in that moment but it is ultimately short lived.

So how do we say no to the salt, alcohol or sugar that constantly calls our name?

Often we use food to soothe our emotions - boredom, sadness, anger, loneliness. Keep reading to learn why food is not the cure for our emotions!

  1. Awareness – can’t change what you aren’t aware of. The minute you reach for your cupboards again and again, you will use it to deny what is really going on in your life. And when we use food to numb our emotions, it can numb us from our life.So take note of the specific times it happens for you. Try and see if you can pinpoint what you might be feeling – sadness, anger, stress – maybe even boredom. Once we are aware and know when and why, we can begin to take action.
  2. There is nothing wrong with you. Keep saying this to yourself over and over. Here’s why: Once we become more aware, we often go straight to beating ourselves up for our choices. But we must remember that when things are going well in our lives, it is easier to stay on our healthy track.But when the life storms hit, the will power vanishes. This is so normal! No one teaches us ways to really weather the storm, so we have to keep experimenting until we find what works for us.
  3. Come up with other coping solutions in the moment.Once you are aware and understand that you are not alone, you are ready to make better choices. Maybe it is that you eat the ice cream but have a little bit less, or portion out a few of your favorite chips and pick up the phone to reach out to a friend or someone you trust.

The biggest thing I want you to remember is that you are not alone. I have so been there. That’s why I wanted to share with you the 3 specific things I do when I want to bury my emotions with food…

  • Choose sleep over snacking. It is usually late at night when I start craving some chocolate or a glass of wine. But I can always benefit more from a solid sleep. So I stop in the moment, get into bed and give myself the space to relax and shut my mind. Everything will be better in the morning and, as a result, I am more rested and ready to tackle my day.
  • Create Connection. I know who I can call and when. We can’t isolate. Our friends and family are there to help us through the highs and the lows. Know who is on your team and reach out to them.
  • Food switches. If I am craving a crunch, I choose an apple, not the chips. Grab the tea instead of wine. Yes, I know it’s not as great, but it still gives me something that I’m needing which is a distraction for a bit, without adding calories.

At the end of the day, food cannot fill an emotional void. We have to face the emotional part of our existence. It’s a huge component for a healthy life and often overlooked. Try out some of these tips and let me know how it goes. Leave a comment below or email me. I always love hearing from you and helping you on the road to your best self!

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