This is a blog about Marie Kondo. And I’m reallllyyy into it.

Marie is the famous organizing consultant, author of the bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and taking over Netflix with her new show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.

In another life, I also think Marie could’ve been an incredible weight loss coach.

Here’s why…

Physical clutter creates a cluttered mind. And you need your mind right if you want to lose weight in a healthy, sane, and permanent way.

It’s the missing piece diets never include and most programs talk about as some sort of bonus.

Nope, your mindset is front and center around here.

Perfect place to start or get recommitted to your goals is with your closet…

So, right now, if you’ve got 4 different sizes of clothes in your closet, you need to clean it out. This will directly impact your weight loss.

I created a quick video all about how to get started → and you’ll also get to see my closet!!

So, press play and let’s spark joy together.

When you’ve finished watching, what’s one item you decided to let go of? And what’s one you discovered you really wanted to keep and are excited to wear?