As you know I work in the world of weight loss and fitness which means in my house we’re always talking about making healthy choices, being active, exercising, and eating good healthy food.

It’s always an interesting conversation as my mom is a little overweight and also smokes (she has for 40 years despite ALL of my efforts to get her to change) so my kids often ask about her choices and why she made them. Sometimes I don’t have any answers.

My kids will watch me step on a scale every now and then, they see me get dressed and they see me taking care of myself. I pay a lot of attention to making sure I never put myself down in front of them by saying things like “I feel fat” or “I look awful today” – actually, I try to keep that little mean voice that says nasty things as quiet as possible at all times!

Which is why I was shocked when my daughter asked me this question – you’ll have to watch the video to hear the whole story but I highly suggest that you moms out there with little girls take 3 minutes to watch!

Once you’ve watched this video I’d love to hear from you! What kinds of conversations have you had with your daughters to help them have a good body image?

Share your answers in the comment section below…