Time and time again, I see women over 40 making weight loss mistakes that leave them feeling discouraged and frustrated and further away from their goals than ever. In fact, I’m all too familiar with many of these weight loss mistakes because I made them myself. But I’m here to help you change things for yourself.

I know how easy it is to fall into weight loss traps that seem like the fast route to success. But more often than not, these traps lead to temporary weight loss and a long-term weight gain roller coaster that’s much more difficult than doing it right in the first place. 

So, let’s talk about how to spot and avoid these mistakes and take a more direct path to sustainable weight loss. And yes—even if you’re 40+!

The Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes Women Over 40 Make

Before we get into steps for avoiding these traps and mistakes, let’s do a quick summary of what these common weight loss mistakes for women over 40 might look like. 

  • Starving themselves all day and eating all night 

Many women begin their day thinking they won’t eat much and then find themselves snacking late at night and consuming more calories overall than they would have if they’d eaten throughout the day. Or, you might be “saving” your points and eat less during the day so you can fill up on your favorite foods at night—but this backfires because you just end up hungrier and overeating at night. Sound familiar? Keep reading, and we’ll get into correcting this mistake!

  • Consuming excessive liquid calories

Too often, weight loss hopefuls think they can have their cake and eat it too with liquid versions of calorie-rich treats like smoothies and sweetened coffee drinks. But, unfortunately, liquid calories are still calories that need to be accounted for in a weight loss plan.

Alcohol plays a big role in weight gain for many women over 40 too. That nightly glass(es) of wine adds up!

  • Frequent eating out

You might also sabotage your weight loss efforts if you eat out too often. Restaurants often serve large portions filled with unhealthy ingredients, making weight loss much more challenging than it has to be. 

  • Relying on shakes/bars instead of eating real food

As tempting and convenient as it might seem, weight loss shakes and bars are often filled with sugar and preservatives that can lead to weight gain, not weight loss. It’s best to get your nutrients from real food whenever possible. I’ll share some nutrient-dense choices later in this post, but I also have a bunch of healthy recipes for weight loss here.

  • Unrealistic expectations of how fast weight loss should happen 

The media often portrays weight loss as an overnight success. But, in reality, weight loss takes time and consistency. If it didn’t, no one would struggle with their weight! Sadly, unrealistic expectations of how fast weight loss should happen can have serious consequences, including causing us to give up on our goals.

Avoiding the Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes

Now, let’s get into why each of these mistakes can be so detrimental to your weight loss journey and how to avoid them.

Why “starving yourself all day and eating all night” is an ineffective way to lose weight

Even though it can seem like a smart weight loss strategy at first thought, depriving yourself of food throughout the day and then binging late at night will prove to be an ineffective way to lose weight. Not only does this create an unhealthy relationship with food, but it also doesn’t lead to weight loss because you will end up hungrier than ever and eating more calories than you would have if you ate throughout the day.

The best way to keep from starving yourself during the day and then overeating later on is to spread your calorie intake evenly throughout the day. For example, eating three meals plus a few healthy snacks in between meals helps maintain energy levels without consuming more calories than your body needs.

Why consuming excessive liquid calories is bad for weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, liquid calories can be especially harmful because of how sneaky they can be. Sweetened coffee drinks, smoothies, and alcoholic beverages often contain more calories than you might think! Even if your eating is on track, these liquid calories can quickly add up and lead to weight gain or at least hinder your weight loss progress.

To avoid consuming too many liquid calories:

  1. Look for lower-calorie drink options like sparkling water or calorie-free herbal teas.
  2. Replace juice with water and keep an eye on the calories in your coffee drinks as well.
  3. When drinking alcohol, simply make the decision to consume less. Have fewer drinks fewer nights of the week. When consuming alcohol, always drink a glass of water between alcoholic beverages.

Speaking of consuming liquids…

Is it safe to drastically cut calories by mainly consuming liquids?

The short answer is an emphatic NO! While liquid weight loss plans may seem like a quick fix for weight loss, most of these plans are not designed to be sustainable long-term.

If you drastically cut calories with a juice cleanse or liquid weight loss diet and then go back to your usual eating habits, you will likely gain the weight back quickly. Not to mention, these diets can be dangerous to your health. So it’s no wonder doctors, other healthcare professionals, and weight loss coaches generally do not recommend them.

Why frequent eating out is bad for weight loss

Eating out can be fun and a big part of socialization. But when it’s a regular occurrence and done without a strategy, you’re likely sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Many restaurant dishes contain unhealthy ingredients (like palm oil and high fructose corn syrup) filled with extra calories, fat, and sodium.

If weight loss is your goal, try to limit eating out as much as possible. When you eat out, prioritize nutrient-dense options like grilled fish, chicken, and vegetables instead of fried dishes or creamy sauces. You might also ask for dressings and sauces on the side so you can control how much goes onto your plate. 

Keep in mind, many restaurants share their nutritional information online so you can plan ahead and choose options that align with your goals.

Why relying on shakes/bars instead of real food is bad for weight loss

Women over 40 who are trying to lose weight often think replacing meals with weight loss shakes or bars is an effective way to cut back on calories quickly. The truth is, however, you’re ultimately robbing yourself of the important vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients you can only get from real food.

Instead of weight loss shakes and bars, focus on eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These nutrient-dense foods will give your body the fuel it needs to stay energized throughout the day and help you reach your weight loss goals in a healthier way.

Unrealistic expectations of weight loss time frame

How many times have you been standing in line at the grocery store and been bombarded with headlines about how you can lose weight in just two weeks, “get bikini ready for summer?” or how an A-lister “snapped back” to their “best body ever?”

While weight loss CAN happen fast, it is rarely sustainable (nor safe) over the long term. Don’t let these unrealistic weight loss goals set you up for failure! A realistic weight loss timeline should focus on making small, achievable goals that add up over time.

Patience is your best weight loss friend! It’s perfectly normal to experience weight loss plateaus, and giving your body the time and space it needs to reach its weight loss goals is crucial. Remember: weight loss isn’t a race — take your time and do what works for you!

Bonus: Don’t Overlook the Power of Support and Accountability

Another weight loss mistake you might be making is overlooking the power of support and accountability. This isn’t a journey you need to go on alone, and there are people (like me, Jennifer Powter!) who have lived through weight loss or gain struggles and come out on the other side. Let my experience serve you!

Having a weight loss coach or an accountability buddy to bounce ideas off of can be incredibly helpful for staying on track with your weight loss goals. They can also offer you helpful advice you would not have considered on your own — take advantage of the many support and resources available!

Summary: Don’t Make These 5 Weight Loss Mistakes

Once you’re aware of the weight loss mistakes you might be making, it’s time to correct them. 

To recap: the top weight loss mistakes to avoid are starving yourself all day and eating all night, consuming excessive liquid calories, frequently eating out, replacing meals with weight loss shakes/bars instead of real food, and setting unrealistic weight loss expectations.

I’m here to help you take steps to correct these common weight loss mistakes and finally get the results you’ve been working so hard for all of these years. No matter your age, weight loss is possible. I know this because I’ve helped countless women overcome weight loss obstacles and finally achieve their goals.

Let’s work together to get you there! Apply to the Powter Weight Loss Academy now so I can offer you a weight loss plan tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

I’m passionate about helping women over 40 achieve their weight loss goals safely and sustainably — contact me today, and let’s get started.

Learn how to work with me here.

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