Get back to basics – lose weight for good

One big pile of blech.

This is how I feel whenever a woman hops on a weight loss breakthrough call with me and tells me about all the diets, cleanses, detoxes, and trends she’s tried…that has worked for a bit but hasn’t lasted.

Thing is, it has zero to do with her. She, like you, is a major victim in the multi-billion weight loss industrial complex.

All the marketing is preying on your insecurities and fears, getting you with these quick fixes and outrageous, super complicated diets and meal plans.

That I’m not into. At all. I’m into healthy, permanent weight loss – the kind that doesn’t come back and you finally feel that joy and confidence in your life.

It’s what I’ve been doing for hundreds of women inside The Weight Loss Code Academy.

Let me break it down to the basics…

(these are in no particular order)

1. Drink Water for Healthy Weight Loss

Often your hunger response is thirst. We’re made up of 70% water so coffee, pop, and juice don’t cut it. Stay hydrated!

2. Write Down What You Eat

It’s been reported over and over again that humans will overeat by 30%. That’s enough to halt your goals even if you think you’re doing all the right things. So, “if you bite it, you write it” for a week to track what you’re eating, when – and why.

3. Getting More Sleep Helps You Lose Weight

Exhaustion is directly linked with what you eat and how you operate during the day. Going to sleep even 30 minutes earlier helps you make better choices the next day and have more energy without relying on that 3 pm sugary coffee drink.

4. Liquid Calories Matter

Juice, pop, Starbucks, wine, liquor, etc. They contain – what I call – naked calories. (This goes back to writing down what you eat AND drink and tracking it for a week!)

5. Stop Eating Out of The Bag

…or jar, box, or cookie jar. Portion everything into a plate or bowl.

6. Incorporate Mindful Eating

This means if you’re gonna eat, don’t do something else at the same time. Don’t eat and drive, eat and watch TV, eat and work. Bring mindfulness back to your eating.

7. Food Prep is Your New Sunday Funday

Recognize that you need to take time to look after yourself to grocery shop and prep your food. Sunday is the day I choose. I set aside for 2 hours. Those hours can set you up for a powerful week to have healthy food ready to go.

8. Upping Your Protein Curbs Overeating

Most women are living life protein deficient or only having protein at dinner. Spread it out throughout the day.

9. Eat Your Veggies

Don’t skip this one! Don’t discount it. Most North Americans are fiber deficient. Veggies are good for hair, skin, gut health – you name it and they keep you fuller longer.

10. Ask Yourself Why You Want To Lose Weight

Connect to your deeper why. This is the most neglected on anyone’s weight loss journey and it honestly needs to be first. Motivation and willpower fade. You have to get to the real reason why you want to lose weight.

Which one of these will you start doing first? Leave a comment and let me know. I respond to all of them which is kind of my #11 – you can’t do weight loss alone. Reach out and get your questions answered.